CHECK IT OUT! I have found a great website for
groupons in and around the area. This is for all my frugal friends out there. Its wonderful and I have already purchased a online photo album for only $15, but worth $50.00 in credit. Can't beat that, great for Christmas photo cards next year. Yeah, that is a little too much planning ahead but at least I will have saved.
For follow up on the stair climb. We did it!! We tackled the towers, yay!! It may have been the most painful 8mins of my adult life, but at least its done.
After the race a few of us went out to eat at a great little cafe' and on a telephone pole this was posted;
Did you read the cons: cystic acne, sloth-like...this guy may want to re-evaluate not only his friends but the quality of women that will be responding to this posting.